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meat processing plant, shop ...
city, industrial zone


butcher experience lack of contraindications to physical labor knowledge of the technological processes of cutting carcasses, slicing meat, making minced meat knowledge of the anatomical structure and location of muscle, fat and connective tissues of carcasses knowledge and mastery of carcass deboning techniques knowledge and perfect mastery of the rules of trimming and stripping offal knowledge and perfect mastery of the rules of trimming and disassembly of meat and offal knowledge of meat yield standards during deboning knowledge of the main types of raw materials and purpose, signs of good quality of raw materials knowledge of the conditions, terms of storage and sale of products
Israeli citizenship


to carry out cutting of meat, boning, trimming make semi-finished products

Working conditions:

Direct employment. Employer - Company
meat processing plant, shop ...
5 days a week from 8.00 to 17.00.
Travel payment
Full social package

40 ₪


Open for All
